Be challenged and grow through
a certificate in our inclusive and 
relational learning community.

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Our certificate application requires transcripts from completed undergraduate degree and short answers (<200 words) to five prompts. Create your application portal above to get access to all the information you need to submit your application.

Please Note:

Applications for credit-bearing certificates also need to submit official transcripts from any post-secondary institutions where you received a degree or completed coursework. We accept both electronic and paper submissions.


Candidates are selected based on their aptitude for rigorous academic work, vocational direction, life experience, emotional and relational intelligence, and resonance with our mission and ethos. Decisions are made in community by the Admissions Review Committee.


All applications submitted by November 1 will receive a tuition waiver of $900 off the certificate program*.

*This waiver only applies those participating in the non-credit certificate.


All applications must be submitted by December 1 in order to be considered for the Certificate in Scripture & Society.

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Our Enrollment team cares deeply and welcomes the opportunity to come alongside you as you discern your next steps in training and learning to support your vocational calling and steward your formation. Sign up for a call below or reach out by email: